DISD Special Bond Election on your November Ballot My 9/30/20 VOTE! Early Voting and Election Day Information generated several responses and inquiries. The main inquiry was “tell me more about the DISD Special Bond Election.”This is a non-partisan issue. This is about our children\’s future. Why I recommend Voting FOR the 5 propositions:DeGolyer is on the bond proposition
DISD Special Bond Election on your November Ballot |
My 9/30/20 VOTE! Early Voting and Election Day Information generated several responses and inquiries. The main inquiry was “tell me more about the DISD Special Bond Election.” This is a non-partisan issue. This is about our children\’s future. Why I recommend Voting FOR the 5 propositions:DeGolyer is on the bond proposition to BUILD a NEW school.No Tax Rate Increase.These propositions directly impact the vibrancy and continued growth of our neighborhood. Collectively, all 5 Propositions will ensure Dallas facilities match the quality of instruction our children can expect.Specifics for our area detailed below. For more detailed information:Attend DISD Trustee District 1 Edwin Flores’ virtual Town Hall on Oct 15. https://zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_CLNIFKvDSzOZK6B8PBWYfQfor explanation of each proposition https://www.dallasvotes4kids.com/props-explained Melanie’s References: https://www.vote411.org/https://www.vote411.org/ League of Women Voters’ online election guide.https://www.dallasvotes4kids.com/https://www.dallasvotes4kids.com/independent PAC supporting the 2020 DISD Bond.Edwin Flores, DISD Trustee District 1 (our Trustee)Hector Carter, Principal DeGolyer ElementaryInvolved DeGolyer parents, Andrew Walker (SuperDad) and Patti Garcia (PTA VP)How the propositions impact our area. Proposition A DeGolyer completely replaced with a brand new school ($36.5M). DeGolyer opened in 1959. After 60 years, it is high time to have a school as vibrant and growing as our community. A new school keeps the community strong and will be an excellent recruiting tool to retain and attract more students.Withers gets a classroom addition and updates ($18M).Marsh improvements ($18.5M). Cary gets a brand new K-8 school.TJ gets a major renovation and addition ($62.8M). White is currently getting its third new wing (fine arts space and a competition gym), plus an additional $18M in the 2020 Bond.Proposition B Acquire and upgrade DISD technology equipment. Especially important in these days of virtual/online classes. Propositions C&E Improve and renovate existing District athletic facilities including the natatorium. After 40 years, the much used Loos Athletic Complex needs and deserves this! Proposition D Building a performing arts facility for shared district-wide use ($66.1M).The ballot will state \”This is a Property Tax Increase.\” Don\’t be fooled by the confusing ballot language. These bond propositions are NOT a tax rate increase. Learn more at https://www.dallasvotes4kids.com/ The last legislature passed a law that mandates that any bond include that language. In the case of the Dallas ISD 2020 bond, using the most conservative projections for property tax growth (meaning, that property values will not increase at the rates they have the last few years), we can pay for all the bonds without increasing the interest and sinking fund rate (aka I&S rate). Please note that the bonds will not be sold all in one year, but rather, over the next 10 or so years. This allows the district to take advantage of low interest rates (like right now!) to be able to refurbish and replace our buildings, and save the taxpayers millions of dollars in reduced interest payments. In fact, for the 2015 bond we are ahead of schedule, under budget, and have been able to squeeze out about 40M more in projects than we had anticipated. To view your sample ballot and the exact wording of the propositions, enter your name or address at https://www.dallascountyvotes.org/voter-lookup/#VoterEligibilitySearch Early Voting is Oct 13-30. Election Day is Nov 3. Start at the top of the ballot and vote all the way down through the DISD Bond Propositions. Melanie Smith melaniehopesmith@gmail.com |
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